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Our policies and statements


This statement is published in line with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 


Charlesbye Strategy is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking.


We have taken into account guidance from the Home Office and the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) to be aware of potential modern slavery risks and, where such risks might exist, to take appropriate action.


Having reviewed our organisation and supply chain, we are satisfied that there is no current risk of modern slavery or human trafficking relating to our corporate activity. We will continue to review this, as and when we sign new clients, make new partnerships or take on new employees.  


We pledge not to enter into business with any organisation, in the UK or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to be involved in slavery or forced labour.

A statement on modern slavery

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